ABIDE: What does an unshakeable faith mean to you?
Tarah-lynn Saint-Elien: To me, grounded faith means to be rooted on the solid foundation of Jesus. It’s understanding who you are as an heir of the Kingdom of God, it’s knowing His Kingdom is unshakeable and immovable no matter what your circumstances may look like. I don’t serve God based on what I experience. I serve Him because I know with my heart, mind and soul that He is good and His promises are true. He is not a man that will lie. I trust in my Father because He deserves my full devotion, not half-heartedness or lukewarm faith.
AB: You juggle managing a blog, being an author, running a YouTube channel, and hosting a podcast, how do you rely on God to get you through your everyday to-do list?
I first make sure I start my day with God so that everything that flows from me speaks life. I also make sure I plan my day with His purposes in mind. When we plan with God, and not ahead of Him, we are situated in peace and clarity.
AB: What does “anti-drift” mean to you in terms of your faith, career, ministry, and life’s purpose?
It means remaining purposeful, goal-oriented and dedicated. I am dedicated to Christ. Whatever I do flows from this place!
AB: Who inspired this unshakeable faith in your life? What kind of impact do they still have today for you?
My mother has been the most influential. She has been ill for over 20 years. So, she can not only say that the joy of the Lord is her strength – she lives it.
AB: When you are feeling overwhelmed by everyday life, how does God show up and bring you back to a calm, restful place?
He has blessed me with beautiful people in my corner who remind me to slow down and take a step back. They remind me I don’t have to do it all. When I keep this in mind, I’m able to put down all of my projects and breathe.
AB: What is your best piece of advice for someone who is struggling with remaining grounded in her faith and God?
Choose Jesus! Whenever you feel as though you have a decision to make whether big or small, consider the option that will most please Him. Honor Him and He will show you that He has never let you down and He never will.
AB: How are you going deeper with Christ in 2021?
TL: I’m developing a deeper prayer language and pressing deeper in His presence.